Section: Application Domains

Data-intensive Scientific Applications

The application domains covered by Zenith are very wide and diverse, as they concern data-intensive scientific applications, i.e. most scientific applications. Since the interaction with scientists is crucial to identify and tackle data management problems, we are dealing primarily with application domains for which Montpellier has an excellent track record, i.e. agronomy, environmental science, life science, with scientific partners like INRA, IRD, CIRAD and IRSTEA. However, we are also addressing other scientific domains (e.g. astronomy, oil extraction) through our international collaborations (e.g. in Brazil).

Let us briefly illustrate some representative examples of scientific applications on which we have been working on.

  • Management of astronomical catalogs. An example of data-intensive scientific applications is the management of astronomical catalogs generated by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) project on which we are collaborating with researchers from Brazil. In this project, huge tables with billions of tuples and hundreds of attributes (corresponding to dimensions, mainly double precision real numbers) store the collected sky data. Data are appended to the catalog database as new observations are performed and the resulting database size is estimated to reach 100TB very soon. Scientists around the globe can query the database with queries that may contain a considerable number of attributes. The volume of data that this application holds poses important challenges for data management. In particular, efficient solutions are needed to partition and distribute the data in several servers. An efficient partitioning scheme should try to minimize the number of fragments accessed in the execution of a query, thus reducing the overhead associated to handle the distributed execution.

  • Personal health data analysis and privacy The “Quantified Self” movement has gained a large popularity these past few years. Today, it is possible to acquire data on many domains related to personal data. For instance, one can collect data on her daily activities, habits or health. It is also possible to measure performances in sports. This can be done thanks to sensors, communicating devices or even connected glasses (as currently being developped by companies such as Google, for instance). Obviously, such data, once acquired, can lead to valuable knowledge for these domains. For people having a specific disease, it might be important to know if they belong to a specific category that needs particular care. For an individual, it can be interesting to find a category that corresponds to her performances in a specific sport and then adapt her training with an adequate program. Meanwhile, for privacy reasons, people will be reluctant to share their personal data and make them public. Therefore, it is important to provide them with solutions that can extract such knowledge from everybody's data, while guaranteeing that their data won't leave their computer and won't be disclosed to anyone.

  • Botanical data sharing. Botanical data is highly decentralized and heterogeneous. Each actor has its own expertise domain, hosts its own data, and describes them in a specific format. Furthermore, botanical data is complex. A single plant's observation might include many structured and unstructured tags, several images of different organs, some empirical measurements and a few other contextual data (time, location, author, etc.). A noticeable consequence is that simply identifying plant species is often a very difficult task; even for the botanists themselves (the so-called taxonomic gap). Botanical data sharing should thus speed up the integration of raw observation data, while providing users an easy and efficient access to integrated data. This requires to deal with social-based data integration and sharing, massive data analysis and scalable content-based information retrieval. We address this application in the context of the French initiative Pl@ntNet, with CIRAD and IRD.

  • Deepwater oil exploitation. An important step in oil exploitation is pumping oil from ultra-deepwater from thousand meters up to the surface through long tubular structures, called risers. Maintaining and repairing risers under deep water is difficult, costly and critical for the environment. Thus, scientists must predict risers fatigue based on complex scientific models and observed data for the risers. Risers fatigue analysis requires a complex workflow of data-intensive activities which may take a very long time to compute. A typical workflow takes as input files containing riser information, such as finite element meshes, winds, waves and sea currents, and produces result analysis files to be further studied by the scientists. It can have thousands of input and output files and tens of activities (e.g. dynamic analysis of risers movements, tension analysis, etc.). Some activities, e.g. dynamic analysis, are repeated for many different input files, and depending on the mesh refinements, each single execution may take hours to complete. To speed up risers fatigue analysis requires parallelizing workflow execution, which is hard to do with existing systems. We address this application in collaboration with UFRJ, and Petrobras.

These application examples illustrate the diversity of requirements and issues which we are addressing with our scientific application partners. To further validate our solutions and extend the scope of our results, we also want to foster industrial collaborations, even in non scientific applications, provided that they exhibit similar challenges.